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Water Quality Basin Study
The Water Quality Basin (WQB) on Greenspring is part of the Rookery Woods storm runoff management system. It is designed to remove sediment and contaminants before discharging to the Clinton River. Maintenance of the WQB is the responsibility of the Homeowners Association—NOT the City. It is currently unsightly, functioning poorly and subject to nuisance vegetation.
In 2021, the RWHA Board contracted with the Spicer Group, an environmental and stormwater consulting firm with experience throughout the State of Michigan, to conduct an evaluation and prepare an analysis of alternatives for us to consider to clean up and improve the basin
May 2022 Update: The Spicer Group delivered a draft report in September of 2021. The WQ Basin Committee of Vim Patel, Jeff Ng and Graham Henckel reviewed the report and submitted it to the board for consideration. It suggests three (3) alternatives. Attached is a copy of the draft report. We met with the city to discuss our project and received support.
All the alternatives are quite costly and whatever alternative selected likely will need to be performed over multiple years. In order to develop a more accurate estimate of costs and to form a phased approach to the project, the board has asked the Spicer Goup to conduct a topographic survey of the basin area and develop design drawings that could be used for bidding purposes. Having detailed drawings will also enable us to apply for grant assistance if a program or foundation can be identified. Please note that NO DECISION has been made at this point as to how we should proceed. Something must be done about the condition of the basin, but we are still collecting information necessary to reach an appropriate decision. Attached is a memo from the board summarizing the meeting with the city and directing the Spicer Group to prepare a proposal for these items.